Announcements.... scroll down to find this week's announcements
Announcements for September 8, 2024 This week, Sunday September 8 is our 'Blessing of the Children' service and Sunday School classes will resume.
It has been a summer of high demand at the WALKERTON FOOD BANK. On their busiest week they served 60 clients. As a result, their shelves are badly in need of restocking. If you are able to help in any way, donations can be brought directly to the Food Bank, or can be placed in the box in the narthex and will be delivered. Check out their website for a list of most needed items.
Beginning this week on Sunday September 8 at 7 pm we will be offering the GREIFSHARE program. GriefShare is a 13 week non denominational Christian support group which offers help and encouragement after the death of a loved one. Each session will consist of a 30 minute video followed by discussion and questions in a participant workbook. With sessions topics such as 'Is This Normal?' 'Fearful and Overwhelmed' 'Stuck in Grief' and 'Questions for God' the hope is that these sessions will help bring some healing to your grief journey. Deb Rae and Rev. Byron will lead the sessions with the presence and support of Carol Patterson. You can speak to them if you have questions, or plan to attend - or simply show up on the first evening. If you know anyone who might benefit from the program let them know - it is open to everyone. The only cost involved is a suggested donation of $25 for the Participant Guide, however if that is cost prohibitive to you, one will be provided by the church. If you are not available for the first week, feel free to join us in subsequent weeks.
Our first COMMUNITY MEAL of the fall will be held on Monday September 9th Thanks to all who have volunteered to help with the meal. Since January this mission outreach has served more that 900 meals. More news from the KNOX KITCHEN. We all appreciate the amazing food that comes out of the kitchen for perking. We enjoyed a long stretch beginning in April until we closed for our shared services where each week perking included a lunch, In fact, during this period, about 1000 lunch meals were served - an amazing testament to this mission. At times this left the kitchen staff pretty stretched and ragged. In fact, changes are in the works. Don, who has run the dishwasher since it was installed, has announced his retirement. So, we are looking for a dishwasher. If you are available to learn to run and help with the dishwasher some weeks, please let Flo or Frankie know. We could also use a few more folks to help with clean up after perking, so if you feel so inclined, just stick your head in the kitchen near the end of perking and find a way to help out with clean up. Thanks!
We will be holding ELDER ELECTIONS this fall. We will be accepting nominations during the month of October and elections will be held on Sunday November 10 after worship. We are asking you all to prayerfully consider who you feel is called to serve on session here at Knox. We hope have 2 or 3 new members join session. For more information regarding the role of an elder, please refer to the bulletin insert.
On Sunday September 22, Byron has been invited to provide worship in Port Elgin for the anniversary service - a charge his grandfather held. On that Sunday, we will welcome Henry Reinders on behalf of CANADIAN FOODGRAINS. If you have interest in this wonderful ministry, come out and learn more about everything they do!
WMS Zoom Event, September 11th/24: The next Come Together Zoom event will be on September 11th (Wednesday), 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm (ET), in the Shaw Room. Our guest speaker will be the Rev. Mary Fontaine, former Moderator of General Assembly and minister of Hummingbird Ministries. Rev. Fontaine will lead us in worship and speak about the ministry of Hummingbird. This ministry was named by the WMS Council as one of the new Together We Can! projects for 2024-2026. Come and learn about this unique Indigenous ministry of the Presbyterian Church.
At Knox this week: Sunday September 8: 'Blessing of the Children' service and the return of Regular Sunday School. 7 pm: Griefshare in the church Hall. Monday September 9: 5:00 - 6:30pm Community Meal Tuesday September 10: 7 pm: Board of Mangers meeting Thursday September 12: 4:30pm Choir Rehearsal 5:30 Music Team Rehearsal Friday September 13: 7 pm Community Games Night Sunday September 15: Sunday Morning Worship 7 pm Griefshare in the church hall